Physical Activities…

Physical Activities…

Some reflections on the role of physical activities in times of a pandemic For most people around the world including us, the past years/months of pandemic translated into a significant contraction...

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A reflection on research..

A reflection on research..

A reflection on research relationships It has been more than a year that I’ve conducted the last interview and the more the fieldwork moves into the past, the more the relationships with my research...

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Reflections on…

Reflections on…

Reflections on the experience of time during fieldwork with young migrants on the move   In the course of my research with unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs), I became aware of the existence...

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An airborne ethical dilemma

An airborne ethical dilemma

  I vaguely remember that day. I was on my way back to Belgium from Italy after completing a round of follow up interviews and follow up with my study participants. I had a stopover en route to...

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“Through the looking glass”

“Through the looking glass”

A year “through the looking glass”. “Time is the longest distance between two places.” Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie It has been 13 months since my last business trip. On February 29,...

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Becoming a parent abroad

Becoming a parent abroad

While seven months have already passed since I joined the ChildMove team in Ghent (wow, time flies!!) I have lived in Belgium for over three years now! Since I left Italy for the first time in 2005...

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