Gert Vermeulen is a Professor of (International & European) Criminal Law, and Director of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) at Ghent University. Since 2006, Gert Vermeulen chairs the Criminology, Criminal Law, and Social Law Department at Ghent University. On top of that, he has been an Extraordinary Professor of evidence law at Maastricht University since 15 December 2010. Gert Vermeulen holds a Master’s degree in Law (1991) and a Doctoral Degree from Ghent University (1999).
Prof. dr. Gert Vermeulen’s research interests cover a variety of fields within the domain of European and International Criminal law. He is one of Europe’s foremost experts on international and European criminal law, justice, and home affairs policy. In the past decade, he has participated in over 40 research or consultancy projects for the European Commission in relation to criminal law, border control, and justice. He has participated in over 50 further projects for Europol, the Council of Europe, the Belgian Government, and other European public bodies. Furthermore, Gert Vermeulen has demonstrated special expertise in the field of sexual criminal law with recent publications such as ‘Reframing Prostitution’ giving an insightful overview of the scientific work done in this field. Gert Vermeulen’s research has also specifically been directed at data protection and criminal law.
He teaches the General course on ‘International Criminal Law’, the Specialist Course on ‘European Criminal Policy’ and ‘Selected Issues: Sexual offending, prostitution and human trafficking’.
Prof Vermeulen is the Editor-in-Chief of the RIDP – Revue International de Droit Penal & the General Director of Publication of the AIDP – L’Association International de Droit Penal. He is the President of the BLUS – de Belgisch-Luxemburgse Unie voor Strafrecht and the Editor of the Journal Panopticon. Gert Vermeulen has been Privacy commissioner at the Belgian Privacy Commission since March 2013.