ChildMove Project Final report
Click here for the ChildMove Project final report
Prize Derine
Congratulations to our researchers, dr. Sarah Adeyinka and dr. Océane Uzureau who have both won the Prize Derine for their outstanding PhD dissertations! Join us in Leuven on March 30 from 12-1 pm (CET) to listen to them present their work as well as be awarded the honourable Prize Derine. Register here for in-person attendance, or click here for the live stream.
The ChildMove team at the project dissemination event in Athens, Greece on May 11, 2022.

The ChildMove team at the project dissemination event in Abuja, Nigeria on March 14, 2022.

Another ChildMove Project PhD graduate! A hearty congratulations to our very own Dr Océane Uzureau!

Another ChildMove Project PhD graduate! A hearty congratulations to our very own Dr Sarah Adeyinka!

Our first ChildMove Project PhD graduate! A hearty congratulations to our very own Dr Malte Behrendt!

Remember to click on the ‘Publications and Disseminations’ tab to see our publications, watch our presentations and listen to our podcasts.
Our project P.I, Professor Ilse Derluyn presents the findings of the ChildMove Project at the European Parliament during the event: The impact of EU migration policies on the mental health of people seeking safety in the EU.
On March 30, 2023, our researchers- dr. Sarah Adeyinka and dr. Océane Uzureau, were awarded the Derine Prize- which encourages research and studies aimed at achieving greater justice in society.