
  • On March 30, 2023,  the honourable Derine Prize / Prijs Derine which encourages research and studies aimed at achieving greater justice in society, was awarded to two of our researchers- dr. Sarah Adeyinka and dr. Océane Uzureau. To watch their presentations and the award ceremony, click here.
  • During our PI, Ilse Derluyn’s interview with vrt news, she discussed the findings of the ChildMove study. Her interview, rightly titled ‘”In de woestijn schoten ze voor onze ogen mensen dood”: minderjarige vluchtelingen door de hel op hun tocht naar een veilig land’ (“In the desert, they shot people dead in front of our eyes”: underage refugees going through hell on their journey to a safe country) is available here
  • Our researcher, Dr. Malte Behrendt wrote an article for Welwijs titled ‘Op weg naar psychisch welzijn. Steunbronnen tijdens stressvolle ervaringen in het leven van niet-belegde buitenlandse minderjarigen’ (On the road to psychological well-being. Sources of support during stressful experiences in the lives of unaccompanied foreign minors). Read the article here
  • Our researcher, Dr. Marina Rota wrote an article for titled ‘Het belang van het kind: makkelijk excuus vor slecht bereid (The best interests of the child: easy excuse for bad policies). Read the article here
  • Listen to this podcast interview with our PI, Ilse Derluyn on the Eurocities podcast titled ‘The migrant pathway to a home in cities’.
  • Listen to this podcast interview in Dutch with our PI, Ilse Derluyn titled ‘Laten we jonge vluchtelingen in de steek?’ (Meaning- are we abandoning young refugees?)
  • Our researcher, Sarah Adeyinka was one of the seven PhD candidates interviewed by a journalist, Frank Van Laeken about being a doctoral student in Belgium in this month’s edition of EOS Wetenschap- here
  • Our researcher, Sarah Adeyinka was asked to write a blog post for UACES, the academic association for Contemporary European Studies. Her post, titled ‘Stigma: Perspectives of Nigerian women trafficked into Europe’ is now up on the Crossroads Europe blog here
  • Our PI, Ilse Derluyn was interviewed by the Belgian newspaper, De Staandard. Her interview, rightly titled ‘Children are children, even undocumented’ can be read here