Dr. Edith Montgomery

Edith Montgomery DMsc is a licensed psychologist and PhD. She is a specialist in child psychology and psychotherapy and holds a diploma in systemic therapy. Her thematic specialization is in psychotraumatology, refugee children, family therapy and torture and organized violence. She worked for almost 30 years at the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT), from 2012 called DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, as clinical psychologist, senior researcher and director of research. Since her retirement in 2016, she has been an associate researcher at the Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and health (MESU), department of public health, University of Copenhagen. Her PhD from 1998 was about refugee children from the Middle East, and her Doctor of Medical Science from 2011 had the title Trauma, Exile, and Mental Health in Young Refugees and encompassed, among other projects, a follow-up study of the refugee children from her PhD. Later research has focused on trauma-related family violence and transgenerational trauma.