Prof. dr. Charles Watters

Charles Watters is a professor of Wellbeing and Social Care University of Sussex. Watters is an internationally renowned expert in mental health and social care for migrants. His research includes a comparative study into the mental health and social care of refugees in four European countries on behalf of the European Commission and studies of reception arrangements for asylum seekers across Europe. In the UK, his recent work investigates the condition of asylum seekers and refugees from an equalities and human rights perspective, and the impact of immigration processes on identities. His international activities have resulted in teaching and research collaborations with universities across the globe, including in Brazil, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the USA. His research has been published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Refugee Studies, and International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. He is the Founding Editor of the International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care