dr. Joris Schapendonk

Joris Schapendonk is an Assistant Professor at the Geography, Planning and Environment Department of Radboud University, and an active member of Nijmegen Centre for Border Research (NCBR). His research concentrates on the im/mobility trajectories of African migrants towards, and within, Europe and the ways migrants navigate migration industries. In 2014, he received a personal Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (ref. number 451-14-011) that allows him to delve into the dynamics of intra-EU mobility of African migrants. Besides this, he is attached to the Helping Hands Research Network that investigates everyday border work of European citizens in different European countries (funded by the Danish Research Council 2017-2019) and he became part of a HERA consortium (2019-2022) that investigates the role of mobile traders in the production of marketplaces as inclusive public spaces.  

His work is published in, among others, Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2014), Population, Space and Place (2015), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2018) and Geoforum (2018) (see:https://www.ru.nl/english/people/schapendonk-j/). He co-edited a book on the migration Industry (with Sophie Cranston and Ernst Spaan, published by Routledge). His latest book Finding Ways in Eurospace (2020) is published by Berghahn Books: https://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/SchapendonkFinding.